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2024 Sessions

Dustin Krueger of Stutsman County Soil Conservation District presents:
Green Thumb Adventure: Build your Own Terrarium

Discover the art of terrarium making with the Stutsman County SCD! In this fun, hands-on workshop, you'll create a self-sustaining mini ecosystem in a quart jar. Learn the basics of plant selection and terrarium design, and take home your very own green masterpiece. Perfect for nature enthusiasts of all ages!


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DALL·E 2024-01-26 13.29.19 - An image representing a terrarium making workshop, without an

Ashley Opp and Jennifer Hayes of Medina Ambulance Service Present:
Let's Save Lives Together

What is a first responder? What does it take to be a first Responder? Let's learn some simple hands-on skills first responders use on each call. Saving lives is important and you can make a difference, too!

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DALL·E 2024-01-11 08.31.18 - An educational and engaging scene depicting a group of junior

Collins Aerospace presents:
Flight of the Whirlybird

Band together to learn about aerospace engineering by creating a paper whirlybird (aka helicopter)! 

Test your abilities in an attempt to be the whirlybird that can stay in flight the longest, while experimenting how different variables can affect flight.


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DALL·E 2024-01-26 11.37.44 - A wordless promotional image for an aerospace engineering wor

Scott Geiszler of the Jamestown Police Department presents:
Understanding Less Lethal Tools: A Police Workshop

Discover the world of less lethal tools with our local police department in this informative workshop. Learn about the science and practical use of these tools through engaging demonstrations. This session is designed to enhance understanding of modern policing methods in a concise and interactive format. Join us for an enlightening experience!


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DALL·E 2024-01-24 09.06.57 - An advertisement visual for a workshop titled 'Discover the W

Sulinke Van Den Berg of University of Jamestown's Teacher Education Department presents:
Junior Architects: The K'Nex Strong-House Challenge

Are you ready to put your building skills to the test? Join us for an exciting and hands-on workshop where creativity meets engineering in the Junior Architects: The K'Nex Strong-House Challenge! This workshop is perfect for junior high students who love to build, design, and challenge themselves.

DALL·E 2024-02-01 07.18.05 - An advertisement poster for a children's workshop titled 'Jun

Angela Gross of NDSU's College of Engineering presents:
Off to the Robot Races!

Using LEGOS and your creativity, design build, and test mini-robots to see h ow fast you can make them go. This will give you a glimpse into the wide-world of motorsports engineering.


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DALL·E 2024-01-16 08.21.20 - A lively and engaging promotional image for a junior high stu

Isaac Rost and Jacob Fandrich of Interstate Engineering Present:
The Sky is the Limit 

Students will learn what an engineer is and how they help shape t he world in which we live. Examples of engineering designs will be shown and students will then be creating a model skyscraper with prizes for the tallest structure.

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DALL·E 2024-01-15 10.31.30 - The image should depict a concept of engineering education fo

Dr. Jesse Arneson of University of Jamestown Presents:
Microscopic Marvels: Exploring Beneficial Microbes

Dive into the tiny world of microbes in our interactive workshop. Learn how bacteria and viruses, often misunderstood, play vital roles in our health and environment. Experience the thrill of examining these microscopic organisms under a microscope, gaining insights into their beneficial properties. 'Microscopic Marvels' is a journey into the unseen, fostering young scientific minds through exciting, hands-on learning."

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DALL·E 2024-01-15 09.52.43 - An engaging image representing an interactive workshop for ju

Jim Job of North Dakota Game and Fish Presents:
Furs and Fun!

Learn about the animals that are found in North Dakota along with handling the pelts of the animals.  Cast molds of animal tracks that you can take home.   

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DALL·E 2023-12-22 09.30.58 - A minimalist yet lively poster for the 'Furs and Fun' worksho

Andre Delorme and Louis Wieland of Prairie Waters Education and Research  Center Present:
River Watch: How to be a Water Scientist!

Learn how and why resource professionals test the water in our rivers, streams, and lakes.  Get hands on experience using the type of equipment real water scientist use!

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DALL·E 2023-12-22 09.15.07 - A promotional poster for a junior high workshop titled 'River

Dr. Graeme Wyllie of Concordia College Presents:
Chemistry: Create an Awesome Reaction!

Cool hands-on chemistry experiments with things from the kitchen. Have fun experimenting and doing experiments to investigate the chemistry of items found in everyday life.            

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Alison Hanslip, Melissa Rotzien, Alexa Ducioame, and Amy Schaaf of Moore Engineering present:
Design a Road and Eat it Too!

Experiment with traffic flow and interchanges, then learn what roads are made of with a tasty example of pavement design.             

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Jennifer Kross and Cece Bear of Ducks Unlimited Present:
How Wetlands Work for Ducks and People

Join us for “How Wetlands Work for Ducks and People,” a hands-on session where you'll become a wetland wizard! We'll dive into the world of wetlands, exploring how these natural wonders keep our water clean and support diverse wildlife. You'll build your own wetland model, uncovering the secrets of how wetlands filter water and recharge our underground aquifers. We will identify duck wings and discuss the path to become a wetland/waterfowl scientist. 

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Become a Micro:bit Maker!
presented by Michael Simons (boys) and Nicole Haugen (girls)

Tap into your inner creativity by designing and making games that you can play with your friends!  You’ll use a tiny computer called a micro:bit that let’s you make all kinds of fun projects – games, musical instruments, wearable accessories, and more.  You’ll get to keep a micro:bit so that you can design and make projects on your own.

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Take Micro:bits to the next Level!
presented by Michael Simons (boys) and Nicole Haugen (girls)

Have you used micro:bits before to design and make projects?  If so, this session is for you!  In this session, you will continue to grow your creativity, design, and coding skills so that you can make all kinds of fun micro:bit projects - games, musical instruments, wearable accessories, and more. 

Find out what you know!

microbits next level.png
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