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Chemistry - Create an Awesome Reaction

Cool hands-on chemistry experiments with things from the kitchen. Have fun experimenting and doing experiments to investigate the chemistry of items found in everyday life.

Led By:

Graeme Wyllie

Concordia College - Chemistry Department


Take a Look Under the Surface

Take a look under the surface of the water and explore what makes a good aquatic habitat. Students will have the opportunity to determine what makes a good habitat for aquatic plants and animals, identify and preserve their own underwater insect, make predictions of habitats and play a round of aquatic detective!

Led By:

Sherry Niesar

ND Game and Fish

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Furs and Fun

Students will learn about animals that are found in ND along with handling the animal’s fur.  Students will also cast molds of animal tracks and they will be able to take the tracks home.

Led By:

Jim Job

North Dakota Game and Fish

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How Can You Walk on That?!?

Sometimes the ground is too soft for anyone to travel across. Engineers have ways to stabilize the ground so work can begin.

Led By:

Wes Dickhut

Braun Intertec Corporation

Girl Drinking Water

Where does Water Come From?!?

Treat water by using everyday items you can find at home

Led By:

Jeff Douty and Isaac Rost

Interstate Engineering

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Tree-Mendous Science!

You are in for a tree-t! Learn how foresters identify, measure, manage, and use trees!
*Knock on wood for good weather; if conditions allow, students should be prepared to conduct some activities outdoors.

Led By:

Beth Hill

North Dakota Forest Service

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Balancing Act

Students will attempt to transport as many pieces of cargo (weights) as possible via paper cargo airplanes across a specified distance. They will investigate how the weight and distribution of cargo impacts the flight of the airplane.

Led By:

Dustin Scheer, Shawn Hasbargen, Gourav Braj, and Alexandra Kliche

Collins Aerospace

Black Soil

SOS: Save Our Soils!

Learn about Soil Textures and ways to protect it. Create a Conservation plan with better management practices.

Led By:

Dustin Krueger and Darin Hirschkorn

Concordia College - Chemistry Department

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Cyber Madness, Cyberstart America, CyberPatriot, and More!

Come learn about Cybersecurity and IT opportunities that begin with fun, engaging and problem-solving activities. Cybersecurity has millions of vacancies worldwide. Today the field offers remote work, continuing education, well paid, and many employers hire before college education is complete. In fact, there are many pathways to get into the field.

Led By:

Tony Aukland



Virtual Reality: Making a Career out of Things that aren't Quite Real

Come and explore a wide variety of careers through VR! Immerse yourself in virtual reality to discover new and exciting career options that interest you!

Led By:

Steve Deziel and Shannon Blomker

NDIT | Edutech

Used Plastic Bottle on Beach

Washing Water

Astronauts recycle their waste water into drinking water. This session the student will design and build their own water purification system.

Led By:

Tina Harding

ND Department of Water Resources

Micro Chip

Become a Micro:bit Maker!

Tap into your inner creativity by designing and making games that you can play with your friends!  You’ll use a tiny computer called a micro:bit that let’s you make all kinds of fun projects – games, musical instruments, wearable accessories, and more.  You’ll get to keep a micro:bit so that you can design and make projects on your own.

Led By:

Michael Simons



OT's Put the 'Fun' in Function!

Experience what it’s like to have a disability and to use adaptive equipment to help you with everyday things we take for granted.   Maneuver a wheelchair around a room, put on socks or button a shirt, use adapted equipment to help you with your meals, communicate without your voice and try your hand at switches. 

Led By:

Connie Lillejord

The Anne Carlsen Center

Electrical Wiring


Students will have hands-on activities with circuitry kits helping them understand how electricity works and how it can be used to make our lives better.

Led By:

Sulinke Van Den Berg

UJ Education Department - Students

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To Catch a Criminal You Run but You Can't Hide! (CSI)

Workshop will cover the basic of forensic evidence gathering used by Law Enforcement such as fingerprints and DNA.

Led By:

Leroy Gross, Sid Mann, and Ryan Goff

Jamestown Police Department


Windy City Tower

Make a paper tower that can withstand as much wind as possible, without sliding or toppling over

Led By:

Yaping Chi and Alexa Ducioame

Moore Engineering

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Ur-ine for a Diagnosis

Urine - Who knew!  Urine is used as a tool to aid in the diagnosis of numerous health conditions.  Test a variety of urines to determine which patient has diabetes, liver failure, ... and much more!

Led By:

Tracie Siebel

Bismarck State College

Recording Studio

Take Micro:bits to the Next Level!

Have you used micro:bits before to design and make projects?  If so, this session is for you!  In this session, you will continue to grow your creativity, design, and coding skills so that you can make all kinds of fun micro:bit projects - games, musical instruments, wearable accessories, and more. 

Led By:

Michael Simons


Our Major Sponsors

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